The illuminating films created by BIPOC filmmakers include South Korean writer/director Hannah Bang’s MY NIGHTS GLOW YELLOW, which shares the story of a young Korean girl who works as a platonic friend-for-hire. This innovative short stars Michelle Mao (Apple TV’s Surfside Girls) and Matt Mcgorry (Orange Is the New Black). TRAILER:
María Alvarez’ LAST DAYS OF THE LAB focuses on a mother and daughter who uncover old memories as they close down a family business. The stellar cast includes Mexican-Filipino Alex Felix (Netflix’s Never Have I Ever), Arianna Ortiz (This Is Us), and Juan Francisco Villa (Blue Bloods). TRAILER:
Writer/Director Justin Kim WooSŏk’s SARAJIN 사라진 follows an immigrant fishing family who are forced to make a harsh decision when their livelihood is at stake. At its core, Sarajin uncovers the complexities of modern life, magnified under the relentless pressure of climate change, while examining the central question of the immigrant experience. TRAILER:
THE BALLAD OF TITA AND THE MACHINES, directed by Miguel Angel Cabarello, reveals a stunning short story of an injured elderly strawberry picker who reluctantly hires an AI Humanoid to substitute for her. The Humanoid unexpectedly attracts the curiosity of the creators of this technology when their AI workers are not able to do her back-breaking work. Laura Patalano (This Fool) plays the title role. TRAILER:
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