My Hair Color says WHAT?! about my Personality!! #spon


I recently found out about this hair care company, Madison Reed that specializes in hair dye. They are known for their healthier, at-home hair dye! And it got me thinking..Maybe a change is in order...I mean we've all heard it before... 

Blondes are sexy, redheads are hot-headed and brunettes are good girls…

While this brunette is a good girl, I’m also quite the Sporty Girl!

By definition:sport·y (spôr′tē)
1. Appropriate for sport or participation in sports.
2. Exhibiting sportsmanship; sporting.
3. Flashy; jazzy.


Likes: Fast cars, Bikes, Monster Trucks & Beer

All these things are in fact describing who I am now and was as a teenager. Loving the competition aspect of sports and who are we kidding Life, I felt a need to compete and win from an early age. Being Brown on top I think allowed me the opportunity to be a bit more aggressive, like the boys, those other hair color types are always treated “girly” or ignored most times. Out going and “Flashy” are words used by many to describe my unique personality. I love to be in the limelight, up front and having all eyes on me. Given the gift of GAB helps as well, I can strike up a convo with anyone really!


Hats are a must for this Sporty Chic…Here I am rocking’ a sleek Snapback….but you can still see my awesome Brunette locks peeking out from under!
Most days I am solo on the bike, letting my hair flow in the breeze, that’s where I feel at home, inner peace and all…


Then you get the days where Brunette’s need their friends…and the gym! Who says Blonde’s have more FUN?! We have a blast no matter where we are!


Cali Julz says....I think I'll keep my locks the same color!! Don't let hair color stereotypes define who you are…
Be you and true to yourself.

Thinking of enhancing your color or maybe a complete change? 

Visit The Best In Home Hair Color to get started!

In the spirit of full disclosure, This is a collaboration post with Madison Reed. This is an informative post about me (Cali Julz) and not Madison Reed.
