Disney #MySleepingBeautySweeps #spon

The #MySleepingBeautySweeps wants to remind families
that dreams do come true! Princess Aurora's parents and the three fairies played such an important role in her life…here’s your chance to showcase your Sleeping Beauty!
I am so excited to be a part of this campaign! 

Jiu Jitsu dreams

My Sleeping Beauty

Couch Cat Naps

In our Bed

My Challenge to you:
Share how you encourage your kids to keep dreaming with the Disney #MySleepingBeautySweeps.
Enter at http://bit.ly/MSBSweeps

Be as creative as would like with your images! Capture the magical quality of Disney storytelling and provide a sense of fun and wonder when creating your precious Sleeping Beauty images.

Share your Sleeping Beauties with me, Leave your link in the comments below! Have fun with this one! I know I will !

Sweepstakes Official Rules & Prizes
To enter the sweepstakes, Instagrammers will follow the directions at http://bit.ly/MSBSweeps

In the spirit of full disclosure, This is a sponsored post with the Social Moms Network, as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.
