Teeple’s Testosterone Giveaway #TeeplesTest



Low Testosterone snatches away what makes a man an man - and leaves behind someone who suffers from lack of libido, fatigue and poor mood - just to name a few of its hallmark symptoms. Do you know someone who could have Low T? Dr. Teeple wrote this book for the 15 million men in the US that it affects - and the women who love them. This is not a boring medical book. It is a personal story with humor, and the medical information is given in a user-friendly way. In just 160 pages you will learn what took the Teeples years of medical school, research and their own personal struggle to figure out.

It’s 2013! - So start the new year by ensuring that you and your loved ones are as healthy as possible! Dr. Sloan Teeple and his wife Susan are here to help educate people on the effects of Low Testosterone in men.

The Teeples personally struggled with some inexplicable health and relationship problems, until Dr. Teeple had his blood tested.  At just 33 years old - he found out that he had the testosterone level of an eighty-year-old man!  Simply knowing this helped him get his “T” back on track... and restore his health, mood, relationship, and vitality!

Quick STATS on Low “T”
- Low Testosterone affects over 40% of men over 45 years old.
- Only 5% of these men will be diagnosed.
- Low Testosterone is nearly 100% curable.

Symptoms of having Low “T”
- Loss of Sexual Desire
- Fatigue
- Unexplained Weight Gain
- Poor Concentration
- Moodiness
Bottom line: A healthy testosterone level can be the key to supercharging your relationship, health, and sex life.


Take the Teeple's Testosterone Test!


This test will help determine if you or a loved one is at risk for having low testosterone. Take it and find out! Now is the time to get started on the road to the healthiest years of your life.


Done!! Whew…Low chance he suffers!! Great News!!



Now for the Giveaway… you can win a copy of I’'m Still Sexy So What’s Up with Him? as well as a pair of movie tickets!!

****** a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. After 30 years together, we still aren't always on the same page. We both are exhausted every day, so romance can be challenging!

  2. vicki hale, pinkdragonfly@columbus.rr.com

  3. Not really a concern :)


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